Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp
Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp (CC#41) is jointly operated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL Fire). The camp was opened in the spring of 1991, and currently houses up to 136 minimum security inmates. The camp provides six full time Fire Crews, each containing 17 inmates. The camp’s primary mission is to provide inmate fire crews for fire suppression assignments in Los Angeles, Kern and San Bernardino Counties. Crews can be dispatched throughout the State.
The camp environment provides an opportunity for inmates to learn a valued skill and requires the development of sound work ethics. For many criminal offenders this is a first opportunity to productively work at a professional trade. Inmates quickly develop a sense of pride and accomplishment for the work they complete, and many pursue similar work upon release from custody. The camp program provides a large work force at an affordable cost, as well as an effective opportunity for offenders to rehabilitate themselves.
The camp is located in a wilderness environment in the North/East portion of Los Angeles County. Fenner Canyon was first developed/inhabited in 1902, and is named after the superintendent and co-owner of the Big Horn Mine Company, Fred C. Fenner. In 1964, as mine activity ended, the Job Corp opened a center at the current location of Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp. When the Job Corp vacated the facility in 1968, the camp was vacant until 1970 when it was reopened as a Youth Camp for Los Angeles County. In 1979 the facility was transferred to the California Youth Authority and a partnership formed with Cal Fire. In 1990 the Youth Authority withdrew from the camp, and in the early Spring of 1991, the camp reopened with adult offenders. Over the years, Fenner Canyon has provided a valued service to the local communities, and provided new opportunities for its residents.
> Text from the official Fenner Canyon site at the California Department of Corrections.
> Photo album by James Estrada on Flickr
The conservation camp is near Fenner Canyon Road and Fenner Saddle Road.
Photo by James Estrada / CalFire / flickr.com